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Contract Hire

Novalease is a simple yet effective solution; the leasing company retains ownership of all vehicles and takes them back at the end of the contract. This means all the associated risks are theirs – leaving you with a stress-free way to operate your vehicle. Depreciation and optional maintenance? Not your problem. Just enjoy the practical and pleasurable aspects of running a vehicle.

If your company wants to reduce the administrative burden of running a fleet, Novalease is ideal. We source and supply your vehicle requirements, service is an optional cost extra, and it even helps with the disposal of all vehicles – meaningless time-consuming paperwork for you.

The monthly rental for Novalease, fixed for the lifetime of the contract includes:

Cost of the vehicle
Period of use
Forecast contract mileage
Anticipated residual value

Novalease works with you to agree flexible lease terms. You can improve your budgeting and cash flow forecasting – striking the right balance to suit your business needs.

All rentals quoted are exclusive of VAT.